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Kanthi-anthirna Kuu
2-3.5 years

Current Ratio 1:5

Staff Team

Team Leader - Children's Services Professional: Andrea- Diploma


​                                    Children's Services Professional -Kayla - Diploma 



                                                          Children's Services Assistant: Sue - Cert III





                                                                                                  Children's Services Assistant: Chamila -  Cert III



                                                                            Children's Services Assistant : Prabha - Cert III

                                                                                                                   Childrens Services Professional/Cultural and          Inclusion Co-ordinator- Christine -Diploma 

​                       Teacher-Rosina -Bachelor of Teaching Early Childhood Education

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About us

We cater for up to 20 children with a ratio of 1 adult to 5 children

The Kanthi-anthirna staff team consists of 3 full time Educators and regular relief staff, working with a ratio of 1 educator : 5 children (new legislation effective 1 Jan 2016), who care for your child. In addition to Child Care qualifications all Educators are qualified in First Aid, Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Child Safe Environments-Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect.

The Kanthi-anthirna Kuu's Educators are all committed to professional development and learning and continually improving their practice. All Educators have recently completed Circle of Security training and it is the foundation of all interactions with children and families. 

About your child

Learning and development

All children will be allocated to a primary Educator to assist their transition into the Kanthi-anthirna Kuuand build a strong relationship based on the Circle of Security enabling them to participate in the program. We offer the children experiences based on their interests, and Educators use their professional observations to form our weekly curriculum. Records of the children’s learning are documented in a daily display book, available for families and children to view at all times. Each child’s primary Educator also documents their learning and development in individual portfolio’s which is also available for families and children to view at any time.


Our team is very focused on educating the children about sustainability and encouraging them to participate in growing fruit and vegetables in our garden, sampling our produce and using it in our cooking.

About you

Goals and positive partnerships

Each term the staff decide on a specific set of room goals to guide our learning and reflective practice.
The goals for each term are displayed within the room and we encourage parents to work on these goals in cooperation with the team and their child.

Our interactions and relationships with the children are based on the Circle of Security and Marte Meo practice. We pride ourselves on forming strong, trusting bonds with all children and families.

We welcome you to our toddler room and look forward to building a strong positive partnership in the future.

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