Wakwakarna Kuu
3.5-5 years
Staff Team
Children's Service Professional
Kate- Diploma
(Studying Masters of Teaching Early Childhood/Primary)
Teacher: Ashima
Children's Services Professional , Team Leader: Monica
Inclusion Support Children's Services Assistant- Itab

Early Years Learning Framework
The Early Years Learning Framework is a nationally recognised curriculum that supports and extends on children’s learning between the ages of birth and five years. It is used in Long Day Care Centres, Family Day Care and Preschool programs. ‘Belonging, Being, Becoming: The Early Years Framework’, has a strong focus on play as well as fundamental skills like literacy and numeracy and recognizes that children must feel safe, secure and strong in their environments to become successful and engaged learners. Each child has a portfolio documenting their time at Warradale Community Children’s Centre. Children’s portfolios will be added to regularly by educators, families and children and reflected upon by educators to ensure programming for each child remains relevant to their interests and developmental stage.
The Early Year’s Learning framework consists of five overarching Learning Outcomes:
Children have a strong sense of identity
Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Children are confident and involved learners
Children are effective communicators
When you arrive in the room
Be ready
Sign your child in on the iPad and write an approximate pick up time.
Hang your child's bag outside.
Talk to an Educator about your child’s night or weekend, if there are any notes to pass on or any concerns you have.
Family Input
Positive partnerships
Family input is very important to our program! You can add to the curriculum in many different ways, . Please feel free to bring in some photos with notes about any special events that have occurred, or simply have a chat with the staff and share your weekends, etc with them! you can also email the Centre with this information.
We plan excursions throughout the year, following our educational program and children’s interests. Information about any excursions will be made available when they are planned.
We also have mini excursions to the Marion Library, Ascot Park Primary School and South Australian School for the Visually Impaired.
Library Visits
The Preschool children regularly visit the Marion Library Service at Parkholme (across the road). At the library, children are able to engage with books both independently and in more structured storytelling sessions. These experiences enrich the Educational Program by extending on areas that the children are focusing on. Children develop skills in building their own learning by questioning, hypothesizing, researching and discovering.
Learning Garden
Providing educational experiences
Our developing learning garden provides many educational experiences that support children to learn by interacting with the natural environment. The children are responsible for caring for and maintaining this garden. Through this wonderful educational resource, children learn and explore so many different concepts such as:
Life cycles
Weather systems and seasons
Measuring, estimating and counting
Planning and problem solving
Working together as a team
Please sign in and out on the iPad
Please make sure you have spare clothes in your child’s bag including pants, undies and tops that are suited to the season and named.
Bring in the sunhat that covers the back of the neck and face. Check that the hat is named.
Check clothing in bag that it still fits as children grow very fast through the seasons.
Check that you have a named drink bottle.
Professional development
The Wakwakarna Kuu Educators are all committed to professional learning and continually improving their practice. Latisha has her Bachelor of Education in Early Years and continues to be up to date with her training that supports her registration. Phoebe holds a Diploma in Children's Services. Professional learning and development for Educator in the Wakwakarna Kuu is important to be up to date with regulations and ongoing support for children’s development. Regular opportunities such as workshops and training are provided to educators to build their skills and pursue areas interest to best support your child’s learning journey.