Ngaarturna Kuu
0-2 years
Current Ratio 1:4
Staff Team
Team Leader: Children's Service Professional : Sharna -Diploma
Children's Service Professional: Lisa - Diploma
Children's Service Assistant :Briony - Cert III
Children's Service Professional : Salinder - Diploma
​​​Children's Services Assistant: Rubina - Cert III

About us
We cater for 16 children at any one time and our working ratio is 1 adult : 4 children.
Children are allocated to a Primary Educator to assist you and your child settle into Child Care and help them try the varying experiences we provide. We prefer to follow your child's home routine as much as possible, to be an extension of your family life/routine. Each child, under 1, has their own communication book to share information between your family and your Primary Educator.
Early Years Learning Framework
At Warradale Community Children's Centre we use the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) to extend and enrich your child's learning. This learning is documented in a portfolio that will stay with your child throughout their time at the Centre. We aim to work in partnership with you the family and the local community to actively engage your child in their environment. We identify your child's strengths and interests to choose experiences to facilitate learning through play.
We try to embed, from an early age, sustainability and caring for the environment - responsible use of water, re cycling food and paper products and growing our food.
The Sharing and Caring garden is an ongoing initiative in the Ngarturna Kuu that aims to regenerate our garden and vegetable garden. It provides a more aesthetic environment for the children, providing intentional teaching and the development of new skills.
Meeting your child's needs
All special diets : dietary, cultural and anaphylactic and stages of introducing new foods are catered for - you only need to let us know and we will provide the correct food.
Families are to provide bottles of milk or formula, already made up and named to ensure your child receives the correct bottle.
At Warradale Community Children's Centre, we are committed to providing a safe and fun learning environment. We are sun smart and take extra precautions to ensure the safety of our children by checking the UV rating every day. We will apply suncream each day before going outside and kindly ask that you provide your child with a hat to wear.