0-2 years
Current Ratio 1:4
Staff Team
Team Leader – Children’s Services Professional : Lauren Clarke
Children’s Services Professional: Jade Oudih
Children’s Services Professional: Sandeep Kaushal
Children’s Services Professional: Van Tran
Children's Services Professional: Phoebe Javier
Early Years Learning Framework
At Warradale Community Children’s Centre we use the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) to extend and enrich your child’s learning from birth to five years and throughout their transition to school. This learning is documented in a portfolio that will stay with them throughout their time at Warradale.
We aim to work in Partnership with you the family and the local community to engage your child actively in their environment. We will identify your child’s strengths and interests and choose appropriate teaching strategies to facilitate learning through play.
We as educators give priority to nurturing relationships and provide children with consistent emotional support. We call this primary care giving.
When you arrive in the room
Sign your child in using the iPad
Put any bottles your child needs in the fridge.
Put your child’s bag in the named tray provided.
Ensure that your child has a suitable hat in the ‘hat pockets’ or in their bag.
Next to the iPad is a communication book in which you can write down any information of a general nature about your child. We also encourage you to verbally communicate any messages about your child to the educators.
Family Photos
Family photos are valuable for strengthening the connection between home and care and add to children’s sense of belonging: We would like every child to have one; some ideas for them are photos of extended family, pets, parents /carers at work, family celebrations, your child’s outside activities e.g. kinder- gym, swimming etc. Please ask Ann or your child’s primary care giver if you would like more ideas, we are happy to laminate them for you and even put it together if you can’t find the time.
Please make sure your child’s dummies bottles and clothes are clearly labelled,
this helps reduce the chance of mix ups occurring.
As per our sun safe policy we apply sunscreen for outside play,
please ensure your child has clothing that protects their shoulders from the sun – No shoe string dresses or tank tops. The centre provides all the food your child needs throughout the day except bottles, these should be made up, named and stored in our refrigerator. Bottles are heated in bottle warmers NOT MICROWAVE.
Breast milk is most welcome and can be safely heated this way. Please don’t bring any food into the centre to protect children who have allergies. Arrangements can be made for children with special dietary needs.
You are most welcome to phone us during the day to ask how your child is or pass on any forgotten information.
What to bring each day
In a small bag or backpack please supply the following
Bottles, dummies and comforters
A named sun hat
At least one complete change of clothes
Note: all nappies are supplied
Professional Development
The Kurtaka Room educators are all committed to professional learning and continually improving their practice.
Regular opportunities are provided to educators to build their skills and to pursue areas of interest to best support your child’s learning journey.